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CV: How to write a CV?

Short: What is CV · Requirements for CV · Volume · What should be included in the CV · Types of CV · Example CV

Types of CV

  1. Chronological CV

    It’s a traditional and also the most popular form of resume writing. Its feature is the chronological order of professional experience, starting from the last job, and then about earlier. Also, education on the highest level of writing.
    CV is divided into parts: education, work experience, achievements and interests. The general rule is that a candidate who has experience of personal data should be the start of his presentation, and then go to education. By contrast, the CV graduate order should be reversed.
    This type of resume is the preferred form for persons who can boast a rich experience, in which the career can be seen continuous progress. If you have no work experience, you are unlikely to fall out particularly impressive.
    A. Personal data
    B. Education
    C. Work experience
    D. Additional qualifications
    E. Additional skills

  2. Functional CV

    It allows you to bring out your skills, gained not only in paid work, but also in voluntary work, or when developing their own interests. If the candidate has previously performed duties similar to those offered position, but it was not his last place of employment you can decide or this type of resume.
    Functional CV suitable for individuals who have had an inconsistent career, or do not have adequate training for the position, but their advancement has allowed them to gain some skills required for this position.
    A. Personal data
    B. Professional Skills
    C. Education
    D. Work experience

  3. Mixed CV

    If the experience is not your strong side (at least in relation to the position you are applying for), you can use a mixed curriculum vitae. On the one hand, it will present the progress chronologically career so far, on the other hand show the skills acquired in non-business situations.

Example CV

Personal data
Name: Anna Nowak
Date of birth: 31/09/1985
Address: 03-200 Warszawa, Dobra st. 5/6
Phone: 22 XXX 66 77
E-mail: anowak@mail.com
2004-2009 University of Warsaw
Major: Sociology
Title: Master of sociology thesis on national minorities in Poland
2000-2004 High School in Warsaw
Work Experience
2004-2009 Casual work as an interviewer for companies conducting public opinion poll
2006 three-month stay in Germany (working as a laborer)
2003 three-month stay in Norway (work in collecting fruits)
Achievements so far
  • The annual scholarship for the best students (average of 10 semesters – 4.85);
  • Diploma with honors;
  • Active involvement in the Student Scientific Circle of Sociology
  • Cooperation with Scientific Circle of Students of Political Science at the conference “Poland and the world after crashing DKU Wall”
Additional skills
English fluent in spoken and written
German Basic knowledge in speech
Computer skills MS Word, SPSS
New forms of interpersonal communication, knowledge management

See more:

Chronological CV template
Functional CV template
Chronological CV example
Functional CV example



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